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Tips for Running with a Stroller

These days, quality jogging strollers are more accessible and can make running with your kids easy and enjoyable. Running with a stroller is different from running solo. If you’re not used to stroller-running, here are some tips to keep in mind:


Running with a stroller may inadvertently shorten your normal stride length as you try to avoid kicking the stroller brake or undercarriage. Running at arms’ length distance will allow for a more natural stride. At least one hand should still lightly touch the handle to ensure that control of the stroller is maintained.


Remember to maintain proper posture: spine long, shoulders back and down. Your instinct may be to drop your head and shoulders down towards the stroller handle, but this can cause discomfort and injuries. A very slight hinge at the ankles will help propel you forward, but not so much so that you find yourself contracting or collapsing down and into the stroller handle. Your power should come from your lower body.


Your arms shouldn’t just be along for the ride; they have work to do, too! Maintain an energetic arm swing to keep moving forward. If your stroller handle height is adjustable, position it about hip height to help maintain control.

As with stroller-free running, keep your arms soft and wrists neutral. Both hands should be relaxed with soft fingers rather than tight fists.


We strongly recommend following manufacturer guidelines regarding the recommended age for infants to come along in a jogging stroller. For instance, B.O.B. recommends the baby be 6-8 months old and able to sit forward-facing (not in an infant car seat).

Most jogging strollers provide minimal support for small children, so always secure seat buckles. You may want to research whether the stroller seat can be reclined back or propped forward for your child’s comfort and safety.

Most importantly, always secure the included safety strap around your wrist when running.


Familiarize yourself with your stroller’s features and your preferences before running with a child on board. A locked front wheel prevents you from turning while the wheel is weight-bearing, and can trip you up if you’re not used to it.

But just like a bicycle, a stroller does need periodic maintenance. Make sure to review this procedure and timeline within the documents your stroller manufacturer provides.

You should not run if your stroller has any flat tires. You may consider carrying a portable tire pump in your stroller in case one of your tires loses air while you’re on a run. If you do notice flattening and a portable pump does not help, you should discontinue running with the stroller until the problem can be resolved.


For additional stroller safety guidance, this this Instagram reel made by FIT4MOM HQ & B.O.B. strollers.

Looking for a group to run with? Find out more about the programs we offer and our upcoming Run Club+ session!